Date Rape

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Essay Database > Literature > English
DATE RAPE 90 percent of all rapes are never reported; in those that are reported about 60% of the victims know their assailants. Approximately 7,000 students on 32 campuses and found that one in eight women were the victims of rape. One in every twelve men admitted to having forced woman to have intercourse or tried to force a woman to have intercourse through physical force; that is, admitted to raping or attempting to rape a woman. Virtually none …

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…those who are raped know their attacker. 4. 57 percent of rapes happen while on dates. 5. One in twelve students surveyed had committed acts that met the legal definition of rape or attempted rape. 6. 84 percent of those men who committed rape said that what they did was definitely not rape. 7. Sixteen percent of the male students who committed rape and then percent of those who attempted a rape took part in episodes involving more than one attacker.