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Essay Database > Literature > English
Dance The lights dim, the orchestra begins to warm up, the rustling of paper can be heard, and then the curtain rises. The performance begins with an overture, a prelude to what will happen. Suddenly, the star ballerina appears on stage. She is beautiful and the audience claps vigorously for her. At the end of the show, she receives flowers and massive amounts of applause. Every little girl in the audience wants to be the …

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…classification. A principal receives a generous amount of pay. Principals attain health benefits in the case of injuries. The company pays for all shoes and dance supplies. Principals sign a two-year contract and they are required to uphold their contract. Dance is like any other job. Promotions must be earned like in any other business. Dancers usually retire around the age of thirty. Most former dancers are currently teachers, so the classical training can continue.