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Essay Database > Literature > English
Executive Summary Domestic violence is a grave and complex problem which has no easy solution, but it affects the entire costarrican society. The priorities of todays institutions have a tought time, trying to detect, atend, prevent, and transform the socio-cultural patters which have originated and perpetuate it. Violence against women compels all sort of phisical, sexual and psicological violence in the family, violence in the comunity and educational institutions, and female prostitution. Gender violence includes …

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…y needed in this agenda. The INAMU used to be an institution for the entire family, but now all the regional and main offices are just dedicated to trying to solve women troubles. Men need help, and they cannot find it. They are not getting the support they need to get. If the problem is not cut from the root, it will still keep coming back, even if all men were sent to jail.