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Essay Database > Literature > English
D-Day By: Tyrone Clark World War II: D- Day the Allied Invasion of Normandy Taylor Parker Shaping of the Contemporary World Father Dwyer 7 February, 2000 During World War II in the European theatre there was one battle that reaped the benefits of being remembered historically as both the largest joint full- scale successful invasion and more importantly the turning point of the war for the allied powers. This was the invasion of Normandy. The battle was …

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…The reason for this was because the Germans had several heavy machine gun positions placed behind walls of sandbags. The gunners were all aimed at the soldiers who were approaching in the small transport boats. The soldiers approaching the beach from the ocean were not out numbered by men but by fire power, as soon as they stepped of the boat they began to get shot at by the German machine gun positions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**