Cultural Relativism VS Ethnocentrism

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Cultural Relativism VS Ethnocentrism Sexuality, in the Western World, has been a taboo for hundreds of years (essentially from the time of the Roman Empire), however, it has always been openly discussed and practiced in other parts of the world. A cultural relativist would look at different cultures and their habits and practices, and he would not judge them as being wrong. Instead s/he would study the reasoning behind these "strange"/unique actions and …

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…his/her culture (Judeo-Christian) and illustrate why this practice is morally wrong and socially unacceptable. Cultural Relativists are open-minded people who do not judge others' habits and rituals, but rather look at each culture as unique and as a source of knowledge and/or wisdom. Ethnocentrists believe that their culture and society is the best and the only "correct" culture and society. Ethnocentrism does not think of other societies as unique, but rather as "wrong".