Critical Lens Essay on Rime of the Ancient Mariner

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
The Romantic period, which lasted from 1780 to 1837, was a time of innovation and imagination, especially in the field of literature ( Not only was literature changing, but so was the whole world. There was a strong sense of nationalism, self-expression, questions were asked, and people were more concerned with beauty than logic. "The Lyrical Ballads" was the first romantic piece published, and paved the way for the Romantic Movement which left a lasting impact …

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…of imagery, Coleridge expressed a message in creative and vivid detail. By using nature, Coleridge was able to teach the reader of the major theme in the story, to love all living things. Because of his imagination, Coleridge created an abstract story that people have come to respect for hundreds of years. Because of that, Coleridge became known as the father of the romantic period, and one of the greatest poets of that time period.