Crime and Punishment

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Crime and Punishment - Book Report - Setting This story was written and takes place in 1866 fifty years before the Russian Revolution and during the American Civil War in the ugly slums of St. Petersburg. Anyway, in my eyes the author already fears a failed revolution. He mentions for instance the rejection of religion and he uncovers the play of the secret police Major Characters Rodion Romanovitch Raskolnikov: The main character of the story. He …

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…meets with Porfiry. He then goes to Sonia and confesses to her. Unfortunately, Svidrigailov overhears the confession and uses this information to try to get Sonia to sleep with him. She refuses and he later commits suicide. Raskolnikov finally confesses the murder to the police after talking to Sonia and is sentenced to eight joyous years in Siberia. Thinking that it will be a great vacation spot, Sonia joins him there to rebuild his life.