Creative writing about a swim meet(dialogues)

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
The Swim As I sit at the edge of my seat, goggles in hand, I nervously wait my turn. "100 m swimmers, you're up next," calls the lady with the scripts. The horn sounds loudly to signal the start of the race before me. The water is splashing, crowd cheering, sun shining, and then there was me. I was so nervous I could have melted waiting in that plastic chair because of the heat beating down …

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…meet to know for sure. "Announcing the 100m 15-16 girls race. In 3rd place Ashley Commerce, in 2nd place by a fraction of a second...Maria Fitz, and in 1st place Sophia Campisi!" finished the announcer. I jumped up with my towel in one hand and my blue ribbon in the other! Hugs and congrats given to me by family, friends, team mates, and coaches. It was a great day but an even better race!