Counting Crow's "Anna Begins" Poetic Content

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
The Poetic Content of "Anna Begins" The song "Anna Begins" by Counting Crows is an example of modern day poetry and is in agreement with the oral poetic tradition of our culture's artistic history and present state. The numerous emotions conveyed by the literary text are proof of its poetic relevance. "Anna Begins" is a poetic piece as viewed or analyzed by a contemporary audience. "Anna Begins" is identifiable to any audience, making it an …

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…poem. Most songs today have many poetic qualities, and "Anna Begins" is one of the many prime examples of modern day poetry. People can identify with this song which makes it a profound example of modern day poetry. The indentification and personification is the reason "Anna Begins" can be considered modern day poetry. Works Cited Page, Robert Frost, Counting Crows, Adam Duritz