Cosmotic surgery m.safi

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Being young forever is the dream of every human being using any mean to achieve this goal; people are ready to make a lot of scarifications like spending money and leading health to a dead end. Cosmetic surgery is one way of attaining the young look of a person and it is a huge consumer of wealth and health. Cosmetic surgery is a surgery where people who think that their "is a wrong thing" about …

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…Works cited page Batty, David. "Cosmetic surgery." 01 Oct., 2000. (12 May, 2004). "Bermant Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery." 03 May, 2004. (12 May, 2004) Davis, Kathy." Cosmetic Surgery in a Different Voice: The Case of Madame Noel." 12April, 2000. (12 May, 2004) " Teenagers and Cosmetic Surgery." The F Word. 16 April, 2001. http"// (12 May, 2004)