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Essay Database > Literature > English
The queen of cosmetic surgery An ornate silver hand-mirror is the only tool Wendy Lewis requires for her peculiarly modern line of work. Visitors to her New York or London office are asked to gaze at their reflection and expound on what it is that ails them. A too prominent nose perhaps? Drooping eyelids? Or perhaps a pencil-thin mouth which they would prefer resembled Salvador Dal''s voluminous lip sofa. The quest for eternal youth has …

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…ined from telling the truth? Confessing to some, if not all, of your procedures ?can give you the upper hand,? says Wendy Lewis, a New York plastic-surgery consultant. ?If you deny everything, people will assume it?s worse than it really is.? She advises downgrading every procedure and being consistent with the story - lest friends compare notes. TRUTHFace- and neck-liftFace-liftUpper- and lower- eyelid liftLower-eyelid surgeryNeck liposuctionBrow lift FIBMini-tuckFat injectionsFat bags removedLower-eyelid laser peelPersonal trainerBotox