Cosmetic Surgery; A World Wide Trend

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The days of the freak show may be over but the human fascination with physical appearance is stronger than ever (Simmons 45). According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, nearly 8.5 million people in America had some form of cosmetic surgery during 2001. That's a whopping 48% more than the previous year, despite a national recession. Yet having more techniques to control our appearance doesn't lead to greater individual freedom. Instead, it makes us feel as though …

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…it. The only way to be happy in life is to be happy with yourself and to be happy with yourself you have to be happy with the way you look. So what if you spend thousands of dollars on plastic surgery, in the end it is all worth it and you come out feeling a hundred times better. Life is short and you should be happy while you are alive, so go for it!