Cooking Good Dinner

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Munir Slaiman Professor Tate English 101 13 June 2000 Cooking a good dinner: Spaghettis. Most people think that cooking is just a necessity but what they don't realize is that cooking is more like an art. Although spaghettis are so easy to prepare with a pre-cooked sauce is not that healthy as preparing it naturally. There are two different kinds of spaghettis, with tomatoes sauce and the called carbonara (white sauce). To make good spaghettis with tomatoes sauce …

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…of leaving the sauce reheated in low fire - you'll find out when is ready 'cause it gets thicker - take out the spaghettis from the water. In this case of carbonara sauce, use just only one casserole. Put the spaghettis in it and add the hot sauce carefully so that you don't get burned. Mix well the spaghettis and sauce, make sure that the bacon is spread and then "Voila"! Spaghettis Carbonara. Enjoy dinner.