Consequences of abusing drugs.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
Drinking too much alcohol, taking an overdose of aspirin and sniffing glue in excessive amounts are some examples of drug abuse. Drug abuse is using drugs in ways that will harm our body. Illegal drugs such as ganja and heroin produce serious harmful effects on the body even when taken in small amounts. Medicinal drugs can also be harmful if taken in excess. Stimulants, depressants, narcotics, hallucinogens and inhalants are five main types of drugs. …

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…their families. They are irratable, agressive, bold, and reckless and this usually leads to fights and other forms of agression such as vandalism. Ways of Avoiding Drugs. 1: Stay away from bad company 2. keep yourself occupied with healthy recrational activities such as singing, swimming, bowling, etc. 3. Stay educated about the harmful effects of drugs. 4. Say "No thanks" when offered drugs 5. Walk away when people offer you drugs 6. Change the subject when people talk about taking drugs.