Confucianism as a Religion

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
John Nelson October 20, 2000 Religious Studies 10 Prof. Carr Confucianism as a Religion How does one define religion? What characteristics does a view need to have in order to be considered a religion? Questions similar to these have been asked many times, and no concrete answer has been universally accepted. Some characteristics have been found common in most world religions: an afterlife, a notion of sacred, rules or guides for behavior (i.e. how to lead a "…

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…Confucianism in the religious canon. Confucianism has provided many problems for individuals attempting to find concrete answers in religion. What is hard to see is that religion is somewhat of a pluralism, different answers for different people in different situations. Confucianism provided a basis for behavior and thought that fit that particular time and place, and this shows in the length of time that Confucianism was one of the prominent religions in China. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**