Conflict Illiad vs. Antigone

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Essay Database > Literature > English
This paper will address the conflicts between, Achilleus and Agamemnon, and Antigone and Creon. The first content paragraph will address the individuality that Achilleus brings about and how it goes against the tradition. The second content paragraph will address Antigone and her fight for justice and tradition. In conclusion we will reflect on the similarities and dissimilarities of Antigone and Achilleus' conflicts, and how their fights, for and against tradition, were really the same fight …

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…Haemon kills himself because of Antigone's death and Eurydice, Creon's wife, kills herself when she learns of her sons suicide. In conclusion, we look at the conflicts of Achilleus and Antigone. Achilleus fought against the unfairness of Agamemnon's greed. Antigone fought against Creon's unjustness in allowing the burial of Eteocles and forbiding the same for Polynices. Both Achilleus and Antigone fought against their mortal rulers, and both sacrificed their lives for the retribution of another.