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Essay Database > Literature > English
This paper is about the computer. Today computers are used by hundreds of millions of people. There have been many advances in the computer. The computer used to weigh 30 tons and filled warehouse size rooms, but today can be as light as 3 pounds and fit in a persons pocket. There were basically three times the computer was mentioned. One as a mechanical computing device, in about 500 BC The other as a concept in 1833, and the …

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…added a keyboard to their computer and offered a way of storing programs on a cassette recorder. Later on companies started creating added features to the computer like the CD-ROM disc, encyclopedias, almanacs, collections of reference books, interactive games using movie footage, educational programs, movies. Also a great invention was the Internet and e-mail. There will be many many advancements in the near future. And who knows what computers will be like in 40-50 years.