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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Computers as Arsenals: Information Warfare and the Security Problems Despite their myriad of ideological differences, almost every scholar and practitioner of international security agrees that there are two salient features of the global political system: It is anarchic, i.e., there is no higher authority to which states may appeal for redress of grievances; and, consequently, states operate on the basis of self-help in pursuing their policy goals. From this accurate, albeit bleak, summing of …

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…ranging from nuclear proliferation to offshore fishing rights. Not one of those working groups deals with measures to stave off an information arms race. That attitude is widespread and it stands to be destructive. When the atom became a weapon, few predicted and fewer prepared for the security dilemma which would drag the world into the Cold War. Now that the computer has become a weapon, do we really want to commit the same mistake?