Computer Assignment, Computers in Education

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
The typical school has 1 computer per 20 students, a ratio that computer educators feel is still not high enough to affect classroom learning as much as books and classroom conversation. Some critics see computer education as merely the latest in a series of unsuccessful attempts to revolutionise education through the use of audio- and visually-oriented non print media. For example, motion pictures, broadcast television, filmstrips, audio recorders, and videotapes were all initially heralded for their instructional …

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…of the newest arcade games generate their graphics through C.D R.O.M. Many include complicated sounds, some even have music and real actors. Given an imaginative programmer, a sophisticated video game has the potential for offering an almost limitless array of exotic worlds and fantastic situations. In the early 90s parents and government were becoming increasingly aware of violence in video games so they introduced warnings on the box like in the movies.