Comparison of Differnt Animal Experimentation Methods

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In the world of animal experimentation, there are two very different sides. One example is the experiments and research conducted to improve the way humans live from a medical aspect. The other side is taken from invasive and redundant experiments that are done to test new cosmetic, personal, and household products. In regards to medicinal testing, there are very positive connotations, which allow us to realize that these tests are being done to help save …

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…of both animal experimentation done for medical purposes and that done to improve cosmetics, personal, and household products, and then weighing them against the amount of money spent on each, it is obvious that the medicinal aspect is far more worthwhile. With an effort to spend less money and time on commercial products and research, there quite possibly could be a huge increase in positive advancements from the animal testing done from the medical standpoint.