Comparing and Contrasting the Role of Women in China, Japan, and the Mongol Empire During the Postclassical Period

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Essay Database > History
<Tab/>In the Postclassical Era, the overall role of women and the roles they played in society began to change. The three major civilizations of China, Japan and the Mongol Empire were no exceptions. The everyday rights of women varied among these societies. The relationships between women and their husbands differed among the civilizations as well. Finally, specific women in each society held positions unique to their own cultures. During the …

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…levels of Chinese society. She used her power to pack the upper levels of the government with her greedy relatives. They and Yang worked together to assume an even greater role in court politics. During the postclassical period, the role of women in these three civilizations changed in many ways. Some roles changed dramatically and others moderately. The overall status of women increased, but nevertheless, the female gender as a whole remained subordinate to men.