Compare and contrast knowing a friend to knowing how to swim, knowing a scientific theory and knowing a historical period. What conclusions about the nature of knowledge can you reach?

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We can compare many things and people only by each quality. Contrasting them with their qualities will be at the same time easy and hard. Comparing a friend with something that is not alive, like knowing how to swim are two different things. A friend for example is a human being as everybody, who will help you anytime you want, give you support, understand and love you. According to Jane Sequichie Hifler, "In every man …

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…things in our life, finding a friend, to learn how to swim, to prove a scientific theory, to write or tell a historical period, we do all that for the sake of our future. We learn to know, therefore by learning we gain knowledge, we learn everyday, learn from anyone, so nature of knowledge is non-stop learning. To learn means to survive and continue your survival and further on we will or may be prosper.