Compare and Contrast on how Ming China and the Ottoman Empire viewed their merchant class

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Essay Database > History > World History
1450-1750 was an extremely important time in the history of the world. The most common type of government was an absolutist. Although specifics within civilizations were varied the general concepts were the same. Governments influenced everything from religion to social status to trade. Ming China and the Ottoman Empire were two major world powers at this time. They were both ruled by absolute rulers but not only did their governments vary but their views on …

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…view on trade and merchants probably led to their downfall in later time periods. The Ottoman's positive outlook on trade most likely led to their rise in power. 1450-1750 served as a very important time period. Different cultures such as Mughal India, Tokugawa Japan, Ming China, and the Ottoman Empire were flourishing and each one had their own customs, traditions, religions, governments and views, but all shared one common goal, the need for world dominance.