Compare Cheever's mid-life crisis males, Neddy Merrill and Francis Weed. Why or how does Francis survive his period of crisis and Neddy lose all he has been 'swimming' for?

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The Mid-life Crisis' of Cheever's Neddy and Francis Francis ("The Country Husband") and Neddy ("The Swimmer") both faced a mid-life crisis. They live in the same class of society with similar social expectations. The difference is Francis confronts his problems and comes out even, while Neddy just kept on swimming. When Francis arrives at home after surviving a plane crash he is upset that no one will listens to his story. He tells his wife …

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…type of mid-life crisis that stems from the life style they lead. This lifestyle in the end produces two very different results for Neddy Merrill and Francis Weed. Works Cited Cheever, John. "The Country Husband." ENE 101: Literature and Composition I Course Reader. Kingston: Royal Military College of Canada, Division of Continuing Studies, 2001. 116-134. Cheever, John. "The Swimmer." ENE 101: Literature and Composition I Course Reader. Kingston: Royal Military College of Canada, Division of Continuing Studies, 2001. 87-95.