Comparative politics.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
The adoption of communist ideology in Russia in 1917 led to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. On the other hand, china's experience with communism since 1949 does not seem to foretell the system's collapse. Why hadn't communism worked in Russia, whereas it hasn't apparently jeopardized in China's development? Write an analytical essay in which you account for Russia's failure and China's success. Hint: everything you say must directly address the question and help shed light …

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…the president's cabinet as chief of the state. In populism people follow leaders blindly and they think that the leaders can only solve their problems. Populism kills democracy, and it is the main reason behind the failure of modernization of these two countries. Besides that there's the pressure made by the United States especially on Brazil so it won't rise as a nuclear power and modernized country in the American continent that leans toward socialism.