Comparative Study Of Texts: Blade Runner & Brave New World

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
English Comparative Study Scene or Incident In our lives we compare and contrast incidents to gain a value. We compare everything such as our daily lives with other people in order to gain some sense of meaning of ourselves. By the comparison and contrast of incidents from texts we gain similar ideas. The scene in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World (BNW) where John the Savage is introduced to a different lifestyle in London can be …

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…acknowledge the question and find meaning of it for ourselves. The comparison of the Voight-Kampff Test in the movie Blade Runner and when John leaves the Savage Reservation in the novel Brave New World helps us to attain meaning from the question "What makes us human?" and through the assessment of how our emotions conflict with the acceptable moral values of ourselves and our environment, the value of a comparative study of texts is confirmed.