Communist Manifesto

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Essay Database > History
The Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx and Fredrich Engles describes a theory of an economic system of a utopian society. Marx's view was that the system could work through the abolition of the bourgeois class. The book states many criteria for the system to work, including an equal obligation of all to work, setting up a national bank, abolishing inheritance rights, free education for all children, child labor laws. . One major focus of the …

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…were having an affair. Rasputin was murdered and the Tsar was forced to abdicate and a Provisional Government took over. The Tsar and his family were eventually exiled and killed. Since the Provisional Government did not view itself as a permanent structure, it did not want to make any major decisions such as ending the war with Germany, as the Russian people wanted. These weaknesses led to the take over by Lenin and the Bolsheviks