Cloudstreet - historical and cultural context

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Essay Database > Literature
The historical and social context of Tim Winton's Cloudstreet enables the reader to have a deferent understanding of the action and themes throughout the text. ·<Tab/>Cloudstreet is set between the events of World War II to the mid 1960's. This is made clearly event when Rose pickles states " Yeah something terrible is up. Not the war." The context of the text affects the characters actions throughout the …

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…Winton in Cloudstreet. When Fish Lamb's character goes down to the Swan River to die. I am can easily picture the setting which enables Fish Lamb to join his two halves together. In conclusion, the historical and social context of Cloudstreet, is very important to meaning of the text and unlocking of the major issues presented in the text. Different people's context will change the meaning and messages of which Tim Winton presents in Cloudstreet.