Clockwork Orange

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Clockworks Orange In the 1960's our developing world faces many of it's impurities. The youth of this nation fight for equal right, equality of the races and freedom of speech. But not all the protests are legal. Many people are guilty of treason and must be punished but with an over crowded prison system were will these political prisoners be sent. The common criminals are flooding the system with there petty robbers, assaults and murders. …

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…like many that have in real life. The way we deal with criminals hasn't changed much in the past 50 years. Prisons are over crowded and repeat offenders are very common. To deal with the common criminal will first take an understanding of why they commit crimes then we must learn how to deal with them. Once we understand the common thief or the average robber will we be able to deal with the criminal masterminds,