Clockwork Orange

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess 1. The author Anthony Burgess - John Anthony Burgess Wilson was born in the year 1917 in Manchester into a Catholic middle-class family - studied at Xaverian College and Manchester University, where he read English language and literature, graduating in 1940. - During World War II Burgess served at the Royal Army Medical corps. - In 1942 he married Llwela Isherwood Jones, who died of alcoholic cirrhosis in 1968 - Burgess first interest was …

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…he listens to 9th Symphony of Ludwig van Beethoven. 3.Subjects and style of the book - a special language that is supposed to be a slang in the future - the narrator talks to you in a direct way - a different type of criminal, the evil character, do person like Alex exist? - Can you change a person by medical methods? - Is it right to brainwash somebody to make him a good person?