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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Christians follow the teachings of Yeshua of Nazareth, commonly referred to as Jesus Christ which is Greek for "the Messiah". Jesus Christ was a Jewish preacher who was executed by the Roman occupying authorities in Palestine. Most Christians regard him as the son of God and they further believe that he is God, the second person in the Trinity. The Trinity consists of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; three separate persons who form a …

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…curiosity, more often than not he would be brushed away with simple claims of "have faith". With any faith, whether Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, etc., we can either choose to follow the traditions of our fathers, unquestioning, or we can choose to question and ponder and reason. I choose the latter, and therefore believe that "religion" has gone far from the path of "God's light" is now content to work on the path of man's desires.