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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Second largest religion in the Middle East/ North Africa. Has about 14,5 million adherents in the region. Christianity started as a Messianic orientation in Judaism, which in this encyclopaedia is called Jesus-Judaism. It was first around 100 that the breach between Jesus-Jews and Jews who did not accept and believe the stories about Jesus became so grave that a reconciliation was no longer possible. Christianity is a religion based upon the belief that the Bible contains a …

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…this region. There was minimal persecution from Christian side, and very few conversions from Islam to Christianity. Early 20th century: Morocco and Libya are colonized, and sees a large immigration of European Christians. The same development here, as had been in the other North African countries earlier. Around 1960: With the fall of the North African colonies, most Christians with European origin in North Africa, return to their families' original home countries. Only few Christians remain.