Christian History

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Pages: 18
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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
There are no absolutes, no clear-cut black and white answers, no accurate gauge for justice - right and wrong - no real way to a world beyond physical death. This is the thinking of our age, an age of confusion. People hunger for answers but find only more questions. Christians are unsure of their stands. No wonder. Not only are the thinkers of the day holding to a philosophy of absolutenihilism, the general rejection of …

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…of himself. The devil saw this righteous man and wanted him to fall away. That is why the devil went before God to ask permission to tempt Job. God knew why Satan came to Him and exactly what he wanted to do to Job. God also knew how much Job could take and would therefore give a limit of temptation to Satan. This was because God wanted Job to exercise the strength he already had.