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Essay Database > Literature > English
Chinoiserie As early as the 1100's, traders brought Chinese exports to Europe, where it became greatly admired. As European trade with the Orient grew during the 1600's, many of these products and their styles became popular with the European public. Thus, the Chinese had a growing influence on European aesthetics, and the art style known as Chinoiserie arose. The term Chinoiserie refers to the seventeenth and eighteenth century style in European art characterized by forms …

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…ps and saucers.8 Chinese silks, and imitations of them were used for panels, hangings and covers. Elaborate chimneypieces and door cases were set against the background of imported or imitation Chinese wallpapers, and the beds and windows were hung with Eastern textiles. Chinoiserie gradually waned during the 19th century, when the appeal of China and East Asia had to compete with other exotic tastes. However, it experienced a revival in 20th-century interior design.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**