Chinese Swimming Training Program.

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Essay Database > History
Introduction to Chinese Swimming. A non-profitable national mass sports organization founded in 1957 and a group member of the All-China Sports Federation, CSA supervises China's aquatic sports of swimming, diving, water polo and synchronized swimming. As a national sports organization recognized by the Chinese Olympic Committee, CSA is China's sole legitimate representative in swimming world and regional governing bodies -- the International Amateur Swimming Federation (FINA) and the Asian Amateur Swimming Federation (AASF). Chinese National Swimming …

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…the Sydney Olympic Aquatic Center. The roof and walls will be constructed in East-West strips at the South end of the site outside of the building's area. Each roof strip will then be moved into position, gradually moving northwards strip by strip. This enables work to proceed on the building and roof construction simultaneously while preventing the need for any cranes or scaffolding within the pool halls, which may damage the pool structures and finishes.