China, the US and Taiwan Of Copyrights and Human Rights

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
China, the US and Taiwan Of Copyrights and Human Rights During January and February 1995, the question of copyrights and intellectual property rights was high on the agenda between the US and China. The problem was that rampant Chinese piracy of American computer software, music CDs, videos and movies was costing the American software, music and movie industry billions of dollars annually. In an attempt to enforce copyrights, the US threatened trade sanctions amounting to some …

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…an important basis for the peaceful reunification of the motherland ....'' We should fully respect the life-style, the legitimate rights and interests of the 21 million ``compatriots in Taiwan'', and their wish to be the masters of their country.. Leaders of the Taiwan authorities are welcome to pay visits in the appropriate capacities. However, the affairs of the Chinese people ``should be handled by ourselves, something that does not take an international occasion to accomplish.''