Chillean Earthquake

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
In May of 1960 a massive Earthquake devastated the small country of Chile, the earthquake measured 9.5 on the Richter scale. More than 2,000 people were killed, 3,000 injured, 2,000,000 homeless, and $550 million damage in southern Chile. The tsunami caused by the quake caused 61 deaths, $75 million damage in Hawaii; 138 deaths and $50 million damage in Japan; 32 dead and missing in the Philippines; and $500,000 damage to the west coast of the United States. The instruments that seismologists use to measure earthquake magnitudes …

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…ground during the quake and the coastal city was flooded with ocean water. Chile has seen many earthquakes both before the 1960 record-setting temblor and after. Two very large contenders have happened on March 3, 1985, and another on July 30, 1995. These earthquakes both had a magnitude of about 8. Chilean earthquakes are not rare nor are they small. Large earthquakes in Chile will proably occur about every 25 to 100 years. They'll continue as long as the Pacific plate continues subducting.