Child pornography

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ANALIZING THE CAUSE AND EFFECT OF CHILD PORNOGRAPHY INTRODUCTION Child pornography is a real and pressing problem that exists on local, national and international levels. Directing educational campaigns and training towards parents, teachers, students, legislators, civil servants, child welfare agencies, the private sector and law enforcement personnel on a national level is an important step towards the solution. These local efforts must be supported by global cooperation of an enormous magnitude. There are many victims …

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…immediately if someone makes you feel uncomfortable, if they harass you, or act inappropriately. -<Tab/> Do not open e-mail, files, links, pictures or games received from people you don't know or trust. -<Tab/>Always ask an adult first. REFERENCES Pornografi dan pornoaksi perlu penanganan serius, Analisa Daily, Edition of 8 October 2003., Child pornography, The cause and effect, 17 October 2003., Pedophile, 17 October 2003