Child Abuse and Neglect

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Chilld Abuse and Neglect Chapter 3 Essay Before a child is born there are factors which can put a child at risk for maltreatment. During the mothers' pregnancy, factors that can contribute to maltreatment of a baby are the parents' attitude towards the pregnancy. If the pregnancy is not something that both parents hoped or planned for, their ability to love and care for the baby may become diminished. Stability, maturity and mental health can hinder …

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…baby when they have this type of cry, which may cause the mother to feel out of control of her situation. This mother has potential for abusing her newborn. For the parent who was abusing substances during the pregnancy, continues to abuse substances, or is attempting to become substance free, dealing with a baby who is difficult to deal with is an overwhelming task. Yet another factor for putting a child at risk for maltreatment.