Character List for "The Lord of the Rings: the Two Towers"

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Aragorn (Strider): a member of the Fellowship, who travels with Gimli and Legolas, eventually joining forces with Gandalf, who gives him the palantír. Éomer the Marshal: the leader of the Riders of Rohan and son of Éomund. He is faithful in his service to Théoden and he destroys the orcs that he finds. Eowyn: Eowyn is the daughter of Eomund and …

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…In the midst of quelling an uprising among the orcs, Uglúk is attacked and killed by the Riders of Rohan. Wormtongue (Gríma): a false counselor of Théoden who is really in the service of Saruman. Gandalf exposes him as a traitor and Gríma is expelled from the court. Later, he is trapped with Saruman in the Tower of Orthanc.