Changes in montag, fahrenheit 451

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Essay Database > Law & Government
<Tab/>Guy Montag, the main character in Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, goes through a huge change in his life. He changes from a typical fireman who follows the laws, into a person who challenges the law. Montag wakes up from being numbed and realizes that he is unhappy. Montag's wife, "Mildred", who is addicted to Television and radio, did not care about Montag's feelings. However; Clarisse and Faber played a big …

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…that would allow free thoughts and opinions, which were books. The government is smart enough to know that the books are important to grow our minds and to make people stand up for themselves and for their rights, or even go against the government if it is wrong. Or else, the government would not choose to burn the books and make it against the law. Work Cited - Bradbury, Ray Fahrenheit 451 U.S. Random house, 1953