Chain restaurants are not always poor

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
In all of my experiences with dining, I have never expected full satisfaction from a chain restaurant. For example, the food served at Chili's, Denny's, and Taco Bells seems to come out of replicator, rather than a kitchen. This kind of unoriginal meal from these chain restaurants makes eating unappealing. I had a strong negative opinion about chain restaurants until I went to The Cheesecake Factory for dinner. It is a chain restaurant company that …

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…to 11 pm on Sunday. It is still a bit hard to find parking even in a big parking structure next to the shopping mall. You can easily park on a 15 minutes parking in front of the restaurant for taking out food if you are in a rush. You can come to dine with a wide selection of the finest foods or you can just stop by and order a piece of delicious cheesecake to go.