"Ceremony" by Leslie Silko

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The outsider looking in verses the insider looking out. Is it possible to be a part of something and have no connection to it? In the book Ceremony, by Leslie Marmon Silko, discusses how one can be a part of something but at the same time be viewed as an outsider. Tayo the main character of the book has to deal with this conflict. He was part "white" and part Native American. He was raised …

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…books. The only thing that I remember about the Native American culture in America was in textbooks relating to Thanksgiving, as well as the negative stereotypes shown on television. I never learned about the good things Native Americans did. If this is supposed to be the land of the free, why is it that America chooses to hide or enslave those whose land it really is? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] Leslie Silko, "Ceremony", p.43 [2] Silko, p.43 [3] Silko, p.135