Censorship of pornography

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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The censorship of pornography has been an issue under constant debate in our society. There are many arguments for and against the censorship of pornographic materials. Advocates for freedom of expression feel that increased censorship violates many basic human rights and consequently may harm our society. They believe in personal choice and that any action is lawful as long as it brings no harm to others. Supporters of an increase in censorship are rooted in …

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…it is clear that there are many different issues that need to be addressed when making a decision on the future sale of pornographic materials. Although it may never happen, if a final decision is made on whether or not pornography is censored, those who are involved in the decision must address each issue entirely to ensure that the most fair and constitutional decision is made to protect the rights of men and women everywhere.