Cellular Phones

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Every creature in the world needs to communicate with another creature from its kind. The insects, for example, have antennas to speak or to understand each other. The dogs, also, have a strong ability of smelling and they realize each other by smelling. For human beings, the communication has different meaning. Human beings are only the ones who can use their minds. So, the human beings, we, have ability of speak and we created our …

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…great services of the companies make us be aware of the world by the new technology called WAP, because it started to be used in the cellular phones. It is for everyone, for every class of people, for every kind of people. It makes us together. It has both phonetic and visual sides. However, we must use it carefully and consciously. It is also a harmful product of communication, especially for our health. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**