Celie's Transformation in The Color Purple

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In The Color Purple, Alice Walker tells the story of Celie, a young black girl growing up in Georgia. In a series of letters to God and her sister Nettie, Celie tells the story of her life ranging from the trauma of sexual abuse as a child to her true happiness and independence as an adult. Throughout the book, Celie undergoes an inner transformation from a submissive, abused wife to an unabashedly confident and independent …

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…the novel continues it begins to talk less and less of Celie's outer ugliness and more of her inner beauty. This is very important because it symbolizes her growth as a human being and shows us how her self-respect has increased(np). When Celie finally reunites with Nettie and her children, it is evident that Celie grew up from a submissive, self-less woman to a woman who has friends, family, and control of her life.