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Essay Database > Literature > English
There are many endangered species in the world and the cheetah is one of them. This beautiful animal is becoming an animal with little of its species left and needs to be saved. The cheetah is the only living representative of its genus. It can weigh between 130 - 145 pounds, and be as long as 7 feet including the tail. ( The cheetah has a small arched head, which is attached to a small neck. Its …

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…will help prevent the cheetah from attacking the livestock as well as chemicals put into calves that is unattractive to the cheetah. ( In conclusion, these innocent animals are being stripped of long, Connell 4 healthy lives and we need to prevent it. The world would be too small without beautiful animals to share it with. We need to start paying attention to these calls of action and help to make a difference. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**