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Essay Database > History
The automobile is thought to be the epitome of the 1920?s. A time when everyone could afford an automobile and the world was opened up for not only the aristocracy, but the most all of the middle class as well. The very thing that revolutionized the way people got from place to place was the automobile. So where did this all begin? Long before the 1920?s were the Sumerians in 3500 BC who made use of …

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…increased comfort came an increased desire to travel, thus the road system developed. The government who created the road system also decided that it would be necessary to enforce laws restricting auto driving and travel. Speed limits, drunk driving laws, auto emissions laws, and safety belt laws emerged across the nation. With the increased travel and roads came increased businesses along roads which included drive-in gas stations, drive-in restaraunts, and even car rental agencies in 1923.