Cargo Security

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Cargo security is a major problem that has affected our society over the years. According to industry analyst, estimated loses involving cargo theft have reach from $3.5 billion to $5 billion annually. Not only do these losses take a heavy toll on the victimized businesses, but also the problem keeps growing. One example describing the amount of loses is analyzed in the magazine Security Management, where it is shown that The National Cargo Security Council, a nonprofit …

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…it easier to be identified by air; and companies should conduct frequent dock checks. Overall, we can all conclude that cargo theft is a problem that affects both, the consumer and the manufactures. Also that theft can never be completely eradicated. Nevertheless, we should strive to put an end to such problem by not only enforcing the many procedures and suggestions, but also by having an attitude of zero tolerance and constant vigilance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**