Carbon dating and the history

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
P.1 Scientists continue to debate the history of man. It is generally agreed upon by the scientific community, however, that humans evolved from lesser beings, and this essay will function to provide evidence to support this claim. Several points will be outlined, including the general physical changes that occurred between several key species on the phylogeny of man, and a discussion of dating methods used to pinpoint the age of the fossils. This essay will …

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…such as brain size are seen to have developed and increased from our earliest ancestors up until now, while other "non-essential" p.8 features, like a furry skin, a supraorbital ridge, and large teeth, have diminished. This shows evolution of our species, from a more primitive creature, to our modern shape, which is highly adaptive, intelligent, and suited to any environment. Nature has created the perfect creature - a creature that evolves to suit its needs.